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Frequently Asked Questions

Once we have the pleasure of welcoming you as a Solve A Mystery customer, you will receive a confirmation email with your receipt and all additional information. The email is sent from

Please note: You must bring your receipt/confirmation (either printed or by showing it on your phone) to the collection point in the city you have chosen.

When you show this to the store staff, you will receive your mystery.

Also note that you are free to embark on the mystery whenever it suits you.

Once you've picked up the mystery it's up to you.

The address, contact information and opening hours for the stores that act as pickup points are in the confirmation and on our website.

In the different cities where we are represented, we have good collaborations with various shops that act as pick up points for the mysteries.

You will receive all information about the specific store for you in your confirmation email and it is also available on our website.

We only offer pickup, no delivery. There is no fee.

The only requirement we have, is that you pick up your purchase within 3 months from the date of purchase.

If you have purchased through one of our sales channels, i.e. city passes, Get Your Guide, Viator, etc. please refer to the instructions and the expiring timeframe provided respectively.

Our mysteries are self-guided city walks. Meaning as soon as you have picked up your mystery, you can solve it at any time you please. No need to book a time slot.

If you are more than 4 people, add an extra element of excitement to the experience by competing with each other!

Divide yourself into groups and the group that solves the mystery the fastest wins.

We usually say that the experience requires about 2 hours to complete.

However, it should not be rushed.

Make sure to enjoy your company, the adventure and take time to pause and reflect in some of the fantastic surroundings our mystery walks you through.

Easily! Solve A Mystery is the perfect activity for the family.

We believe that the experience will be best if the children are 10 years old or above, as they will be able to pick up the clues and understand the tasks.

Children aged 13 and above should be able to solve the mysteries themselves.

No. The experience is only outside and there are no hidden or extra fees.

There is also no involvement from anyone else outside of your company.

Our experiences are sold per person, similar to other city walks, tourist tours, and escape rooms.

Regarding the provided materials, we have a slogan called “minimum waste,” which means that we care about nature and the resources we use.

That’s why we carry the Swan and environmental labels, which plant trees to offset the resources we use for printing. Therefore, we provide one set of papers for every four participants instead of giving everyone individual papers.

We have conducted tests and surveys that show that four people sharing a set of papers is optimal for everyone to be able to see them and be equally engaged. If the group is larger, fitting amounts of material will be provided.

We hope that as a group, you can share the papers and help protect the environment. We hope for your understanding.

Our experience is inspired by real and authentic cases, in other words, crimes that have been committed.

It is up to you and your group to take on the role of a detective/criminal investigator.

You will solve various tasks and clues throughout the mystery’s self-guided tour and hopefully solve them correctly, bringing you closer to the solution.

In the end it is time for you to point out the guilty perpetrator, at this moment you are allowed to open the last chapter named “conclusion” to discover the truth about the case.

By comparing your conclusion to what happened in the real life case you will find out the solution and see if your suspicions were correct.

The experience requires teamwork, communication and problem-solving skills.

The experience is brought to you through an envelope that you collect in our pick-up place in the city of your choice.

The envelope contains all the information you need and a pencil.

Yes, they take place outside in the beautiful urban surroundings of international cities. Does it get any better than that?

There are two things you should keep in mind.

Firstly, the experience takes place outside, hence you need to consider the weather.

Secondly, the tour is about 1,5-2 km in relatively flat urban terrain (not tons of stairs and hills), so a comfortable pair of walking shoes is recommended.

Yes. After you have collected the mystery, you can do it whenever you wish!

We recommend doing it while there is daylight for an optimal experience (partly to be able to read the information in the envelope, but also to gather clues in your surroundings).

We operate in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Ireland, UK, Spain, France, Holland, Italy, Austria, Germany, Hungary and The US.

We are always expanding to more locations. Please visit the website for more information about the cities and what mysteries are available.

We answer as quickly as possible via email, as well as on Facebook and Instagram.

Or you can call us on +46703634707.

Our ambition is that all mysteries are available in the national language and in English. For more information, visit our website.

Solve A Mystery's mysteries take place in wonderful historical and cultural settings in city centers.

The mystery is self-guided, meaning that no one but you and your party is involved in this activity.

When you start the mystery, you take on the role of "Sherlock Holmes" with your group and go through exciting scenery.

During your walk you will encounter different tasks and clues that will bring you closer to solving the mystery!

At the end of the tour, you will hopefully have gathered enough information to find out who the perpetrator of the crime is.

In the final part, you will also find out what actually happened in the case in real life, such as the background of the crime and the sentence handed down.

Hopefully your detective skills brought you to the same conclusion.

All our mysteries are inspired by real and authentic events.

All cases inspired by, for example, Case A are inspired by the same true crime.

Therefore, it is not recommended that you play multiple mysteries based on the same case.

Yes! We are active on Facebook and Instagram.

We would be delighted for you to join us on social media and connect.

We view our customers as Solvemates and would love to hang out with you, follow your experiences and see the joy of you solving our mysteries!

We have an active social media presence with challenges for you to participate in and interesting mysterious facts!

When making a purchase you automatically have the right of withdrawal. This means you have 14 days to change your mind.

If you don't like your purchase you are able to get a refund.

If you wish to get a refund, you can contact us at, then we will help you with the process.

You should allow up to 2-5 business days to pass, in order for the refund to go through.

There are no costs applied when doing a refund.