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Great tips for exploring Paris!

Julie Marie Grønhøj

Going to Paris?

I have packed my suitcase again to go out and experience the world!

This time the trip has gone to the beautiful and romantic city of Paris. Paris is a city that so many people dream of visiting, so of course I had to see it for myself.

Paris is undoubtedly best known for the Eiffel Tower, the Arc de Triomphe and not least the magnificent Catholic Cathedral of Notre Dame, but the city has so much to offer, for all ages, that it is impossible to see it all. There is also so much food and wine to taste. Croissant, baguettes, cheeses and an authentic onion soup were high on my list of things to taste.

As always, I am the number 1 fan of self-guided city walks, and this time is no different. The city must be seen, all the culture must be experienced, and a little exercise along the way certainly do not harm.

Since I am a true crime fanatic, this must of course be part of my Paris trip. If you love true crime as much as I do, read along to find out how you can make true crime a part of your experience in Paris.

As I, like everyone else, want to experience the great attractions, I took up the challenge in the mystery hunt "The Murder by Notre Dame".

As you can almost guess, on the 2 km long walk here you will pass Notre Dame, but also Square René Viviani, City Hall, and many other fantastic locations. As always, you will discover beautiful hidden buildings on the way, that you would not typically notice. So I'm a fan!

"The Murder by Notre Dame" is self-guided, so you can decide for yourself when to start or stop and whether to take a break along the way. Personally, I couldn't resist stopping and eating a croissant while enjoying the beautiful surroundings.

When I finished the last task I found a nice cafe, and discussed who the culprit was with my friend and as always a good drink (I don't have a problem but who says no to a good refreshment). We of course solved the mystery and celebrated with some delicious food while reading about the true story.

This experience will really be a hit with everyone, even if you are not normally a fan of murder mysteries and true crime. So there's no excuse why this shouldn't be part of your trip to Paris, whether you've been there before or not.

You don't have to use anything other than what you get from the pick-up point, so the phone can stay in your pocket and you can have an in the moment experience!

If you are traveling in a larger group, it is recommended to split into groups of max 4, so you can make it a competition! Who can solve the mystery first? 
I vote for the losers to give croissants to everyone else! (Well I have found my weakness).

You can find the Paris mystery here:

If you have any tips for what I should remember the next time I'm in Paris, or a suggestion for where to go next, please share it in the comments section.


True crime nerd and croissant addict